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Heart's Desires

Here is a personal story... 

About 15 years ago, I came to my ex-husband and shared about the kind ...

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A Client Story change money receive

When I read stories—like the one I am about to share—from others, I thought they were scams. But her...

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What Helps You Do Things Now You Couldn't Do Before confidence soul spiritual

I work with people from all walks of life. They want: 

- to step into a CEO position in their busin...

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How Can It Be Easier & Faster?! event healing yoga

More than 15 years ago, when teaching community yoga, I asked myself, "How can healing happen faster...

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High Touch + High Attention đŸ„° emotion energy rest

The last 2 weeks have been rough 😊 I have been going through a big change and realized that I have t...

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Lean Into Your Strength abundance clarity strength

Today, it's a quick reminder for you to lean into your strength! 

A few years back, when I wanted t...

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