Heart's Desires

Mar 19, 2025

Here is a personal story... 

About 15 years ago, I came to my ex-husband and shared about the kind of romantic relationship I wanted. 

He looked at me and said, "It's impossible. YOU can't have it. You are not the kind of person who can have it." 

He was wrong AND he was right. 

He was right that the old version of me couldn't have the kind of relationship I wanted. I wanted a relationship based on trust, openness, unconditional love, amazing communication, mutual encouragement, support, lightness, vulnerability, playfulness, amazing sex, compassion, adventure, and more. 

He was right that the old version of me couldn't have what she wanted. So I HAD TO CHANGE. 

And release: 

- gazillion of personal insecurities

- need for constant external validation and approval

- addiction to drama 

- change my idea of what I value in men or even an idea that a man needs to save me

- the impulse to mother and control a man or even control life

- jealousy

- co-dependency

- harshness and hardness and soften a lot!!! Be more feminine. Embrace my emotions, intuition, creativity, pleasure, and joy! Accept me and my unique path.  

- expectations that he would read my mind instead of me explicitly sharing what I want

- finally, finding wholeness, purpose, and strength inside of me rather than expecting a guy to complete me or tell me what to do with my life.  

Now, I have a relationship that so deeply desired 15 years ago.

Not with the same person, however. With a new partner, that is perfectly aligned (that is not to say, that you always need to change the partner! Sometimes, YOUR changing changes the other person too.)

In that way, my ex was wrong.

The point of the story is to highlight the value of the heart's desires. They are guide posts. 

If the desire is strong and unceasing, rather than impulsive - to the point that you experience suffering and pain from not having it - then it is showing you what you are capable of - YOUR POTENTIAL! 

Do not confuse addiction and craving with the heart's desire. Addiction brings the worst out of you. Heart's desires bring the best and your highest. They help you discover your purpose too. 

While heart desires are connected to joy and fulfillment in the end goal, pursuing them is often not easy. Let's face it - change isn't easy! By change, I do not mean self-improvement (as if something is wrong with you). Rather, change is about learning to connect and embody your True & Authentic Self and your purpose. 



per aspera ad astra (as the Latin proverb says, "Through thorns and towards the stars." 



 Take any heart desires that you have: 

- authentic and fulfilling parenting

- community and friendships that uplift and bring the best in you

- meaningful and purposeful work that is also well-compensated

- mental health

- physical health 

- creative expression

- service and betterment of the collective etc. 

All these heart desires point you in the direction in which your SOUL wants you to move. There are many people (external, even those that are close to you) who may discourage you. Your brain is likely to discourage you too. 



And, with all of that:

Are you ready to put your Soul above the noise? 

Are you willing to commit to your Highest Potential even when your dream partner doesn't show up at your doorstep the minute you close the old door? 

Are you able to invest (time, resources, discipline, maturity, commitment, choices - your life really) in the potential that the Divine has for you? 

Something to think about ...  



P.S. Start small - book a single session. The special that I have now is a 90-minute session ($260). It will move you forward A LOT!!! Like tremendously a lot! 

P.P.S. Commit - let's work together over some time. You'll get the support + guidance you need! Learn more here + book an intro call.

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