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Left & Right Brain 🧠 abundance business creativity

I want to start today with a quote byΒ Leonardo do Vinci "Realize that everything connects to everyth...

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Being a Mush πŸ›βž‘πŸ¦‹ change life purpose trust

Today, I want to share with you the element of TRUST that I don't see many people talking about:Β 


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When A Job You Want Doesn't Exist 😳 abundance business create

If you are on a spiritual path, and you have also been following the mainstream path professionally,...

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Going Delusional πŸ’œπŸ˜ˆπŸ†πŸ¦„πŸ‘ΎπŸ‡ highly sensitive people manifestation trust


I imagine, that if you keep up to date with my blog posts, you feel a lot, ar...

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Why Bother Channeling? πŸ§ΏπŸ’ πŸŒ€ abundance channel joy

Today, a client of mine asked a fantastic question in the Connect to Spirit masterclass. I thought I...

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Victim Consciousness πŸ’— choice courage limiting beliefs

We are in Turkey & it's been a blessing to be here with my family.Β 

Even though the first week was ...

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