A Client Story

change money receive Mar 11, 2025

When I read stories—like the one I am about to share—from others, I thought they were scams. But here it is ...  a reality.   

When we started working with this client about 10 months ago, her goal was to change her relationship with money. She is multi-passionate and wanted to grow her business. 

In these 10 months together (11 sessions total)  

🟨 we worked on helping her develop focus and make one area the main priority when it comes to her business

🟥 we worked on her self-worth issues and helped her open up to receiving - making it safe to receive (money, help, projects) 

🟪 helped her accept her path in this life - that is of a leader. She oscillated between wanting to be a leader and wanting to be told what to do. When she accepted her purpose, internally - she finally accepted her power and stepped into being a CEO of her company.    

🟦 healed her relationship with money. She went on to secure one project after another for her company, which resulted in over 1.5 million $$$ revenue  (and growing).  

🟩 worked on her embracing to receive help, delegate, and hire a team, so that she doesn't do everything alone, which often leads to overwork and overwhelm

🟨 released perfectionism. Because, let's face it, life isn't linear and perfect.

🟧  embraced self-gentleness. She was harsh on herself, and we worked on helping her be gentle internally - on a day-to-day basis. 

In less than a year, this powerful woman was able to move tremendously forward on her dreams and her life: financially, professionally, and personally. 

There are several important points to this story: 

-   First, when we accept our purpose and move forward on this purpose, we can create impactful results. 

-  Second, while the financial growth is immensely impressive, I know how generously she invests the money to support others and their livelihood. It's a win-win for everyone. 

-  Third, her company provides big value to society and the community, making this world a better place, so it's a win-win for everyone.  

-   Fourth, as you read this story,  I  ask you not to compare yourself because we all walk different paths in this life. And our purpose is different. 

Finally, what is possible for you? When you step into your purpose? When we embrace the gifts we have and commit to using them for the betterment of everyone - magic is possible.  



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