Victim Consciousness 💗
Oct 02, 2024
We are in Turkey & it's been a blessing to be here with my family.
Even though the first week was tough, I have learned
- where in my consciousness, I still fall into victimhood.
- where in my life & consciousness, I'm still not fully stepping into leading myself & my life (needless to say, I am releasing that, because the result it brings to the experience sucks.)
My parents have been THE primary teachers to me about releasing victimhood & practicing forgiveness. I have also learned unconditional love.
On that note, it's been fascinating to watch how some people have been reaching out about the Connect to Spirit masterclass, asking questions. Some decided to join, others didn't.
It's all good :)
I want to highlight for you the most common internal & external reasons that come up (we might think of them as logical & solid, but there is more to them):
- I don't have time
- I don't have money
- I can't commit (the question is to whom?)
Interestingly, all these reasons belong to the category of victimhood.
I am saying this with zero judgment, btw. Because I have been there myself.
But what victimhood consciousness does is that it places power outside of you:
- on circumstances
- on parents
- on things seemingly outside of your control
- on politics
- on economy
- on weather
- on bosses or employers
- or anything else really
The trap is that when you give power away, your connection with the Source/Divine/Universe/God (whatever you call it) is lost. And the ability to choose, manifest & create in life diminishes drastically. Magic is lost.
These are some ways in which you can take your power back:
1. Notice - that is HUGE!!! Noticing is everything
2. Notice your thoughts and your inner talk in all kinds of circumstances & change it
3. "I don't have money" - never say to yourself that you have no money, because that is disempowering & you are reinforcing this limited thinking. If you do not have money right now, which is a product of prior choices, then say "At the moment, I am working on creating money in my life." or "Money is Coming" & take action in that direction.
BTW, don't give power away to money either, because You (as the eternal being) come to money.
4. Make your decisions from love, not from fear.
5. Forgive (people who "hurt" you give you an opportunity to choose love)
6. Set boundaries
7. Release anger - it's a good & helpful & healthy emotion to embrace & experience but do not get lost in it.
8. Trust your heart & your intuition. Let them lead.
Have a blessed week,