Being a Mush 🐛➡🦋
Nov 04, 2024
Today, I want to share with you the element of TRUST that I don't see many people talking about:
It's when you need to BE (rather than DO) as you move through different transitional stages in your life.
I had a client who came to me to gain clarity about their life purpose. For the sake of privacy, I'll just say that they are moving through a life transition.
I fully expected to receive messages about their gifts, and talents, how they can express them in the world, and the path moving forward.
Instead, the messages were about learning to manage your energy when you are in a state of MUSH:
You know, when some phase ends in your life, the next stage hasn't begun yet. It's a state of a caterpillar in a cacoon, when the form of the caterpillar is lost, and the butterfly hasn't formed yet. Biologically, for a caterpillar, this takes about 2 weeks. For us, humans, we often don't know how long the MUSH stage lasts (months, years ...?)
This is the phase when your trust muscle gets activated. And this is when you need to:
1. Release any comparison of yourself with others
2. Activate your skill of tremendous self-compassion and self-kindness
3. Take this as a learning stage to allow any emotions without judgment, so that the thoughts of "I am not good enough" or "What's wrong with me" aren't even an option. Instead, it's all about self-love
4. Get creative & have fun. Because you can have lots of fun in this MUSH stage. Including exploring the creative expression of different moods, feelings, and life seasons.
5. In our culture of over-achievement and doing, the MUSH stage isn't formally acknowledged, appreciated, or encouraged. And yet it's essential for honoring yourself, staying authentically true to your Soul, and honoring the Divine timing.
6. If you do have a business, you can still do certain things when you are in a MUSH stage:
- background tasks,
- declutter,
- exploration& learning,
- tech support,
- even generating creative ideas and writing about your process which can generate tons of content later.
- write a book! blog! etc.
If you are in a MUSH stage, I am sending you big hugs!!!
It can be triggered by all kinds of life transitions:
- health and illness
- death
- birth
- change of jobs
- another major life transition
- or simply shift of direction in your life.
Importantly, the purpose of this phase is to increase your TRUST muscle!!! Combined with deep self-compassion and self-understanding. That's how your heart expands.
I hope you are having a wonderful week, whether you are MUSHING or/and living it outrageously and gloriously!