The Pendulum 🕰️🕰

abundance business owner money Jun 20, 2024


We have so much baggage when it comes to money. All kinds of conditioning from the past. 

This very conditioning prevents us from having a healthy and joyful relationship with money. Which is so needed. 

  • One extreme is to put money on a pedestal, and lose yourself, your heart, joy, love, rest, well-being, authenticity, health, and spirit in the process. 
  • Another extreme is to abandon money altogether and pretend that it is bad, evil, not spiritual, not needed, and something to resent, judge, and avoid. 


When I channeled and wrote "My Brilliant Money Book: For Joyful & Creative Living" a few years ago, my intention was to have a healthy relationship with money. 

It's been a process and a journey. It taught me to: 

  • honor & value myself, my work, and what I have to offer to this world
  • slow down and honor my needs
  • develop trust in money, myself, my work & my clients
  • learn to enjoy money, but also not attach my sense of joy & self-worth to money, because those are two separate things. 


The Money Mastery course is a 4-month weekly journey of reclaiming your birthright - of joy & abundance with money. 

If you are ready to jump in, you can register here

If you'd like to meet & greet, ask questions, or experience the work, you can book a free conversation here

I cannot wait to help you take your money journey to the next level.

It's a life changer for sure! It's been that for me & my clients.  

In Love,



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