The Gifts of Pain 🛍️

books enrepreneur freedom human journey Jul 03, 2024


I've alluded to it but now formally announce: I have released a new book called The Gifts of Pain edited by Elayna Fernandez. 

I invite you to read it!!! 

The chapter I have contributed is "From Suicide to Joyful Leadership." 


I rarely talk about this aspect of my past, because I don't consider myself a victim or a survivor. 

But I have learned that, often, when we are strong (which I consider myself strong), we don't think of such an extraordinary experience as something to notice and be proud of. 

By writing this chapter, I also learned I carried a degree of shame around it. Elayna (an editor of the book) told me this:

"There is so much shame around suicidal thoughts and mental illness - that many people might not even share it. It comes from religious beliefs or other means of conditioning". 

For me, it was a sign of weakness. I was not brought up religious, but I was told that only weak people consider suicide. 

Let this chapter be another shining light on releasing shame and stigma around mental illness and reclaiming wholeness. 

That's really what the book is about. 

Sharing vulnerable experiences and stories of overcoming them. As well as the tools for moving forward. 

In my case, I learned to recognize my wholeness, which isn't linked to professional achievements, degrees, social status, external praise, and what I do or not do in the world. I am worthy simply because I breathe. 

The journey of the past 22 years from the event has taken me in the direction of alternative healing, finding God/Goddess within, and transforming any conscious & subconscious thoughts + physiological symptoms of those thoughts that stand in the way of me being and embodying my True Self. 

What a journey it has been! Empowering for sure. 

I think that everyone is a leader. That's why I called the destination "Joyful Leadership." I know that everyone is capable of transforming their life for the better. It takes time and effort but it's worth the journey! 

I hope you find this story inspiring. In addition to my story, there are 31 more intimate and powerful chapters from my co-authors. They are brilliant. 

 At the moment, Amazon offers Kindle versions of the book. If you prefer a paper copy, let me know. When I have enough people who request the paper version, I will print & mail you a copy. Email the request.   

This book got a bestseller title in 3 categories. One of which  is "Personal Transformation."  Now, I am officially a best-selling author & I would have never imagined in my wildest dreams that this life experience would be out in the public :)

Happy reading!





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