The Art of Letting Go + The Art of Creating the New Year!
Dec 07, 2022
Hi there, friend!
It's the end of the 2022 year! It's a powerful time to create shifts, because everyone, collectively, is going through a transition right now.
Many people get discouraged by new year's resolutions, because, of course - you need to put effort into making them happen . For me - there is a resolution EVERY SINGLE DAY. In a way, I do new year - daily
I have something special prepared for you - for this month.
Mark your calendars :
December 17 (Saturday) from 10 am to 12 pm: 2 - hour healing and sharing workshop on the ART OF LETTING GO. $29 - on zoom.
January 7 (Saturday) from 10 am to 12 pm: 2-hour creating and setting intentions workshop on the ART of CREATING THE NEW YEAR. $29 - on zoom.
You can participate in both for $50.
Here are the details:
This is a 2-hour workshop, where we will go deeply into a meditative and healing guided journey to release anything from your body, conscious, subconscious mind, and energy field that's no longer serving you.
This might include limiting beliefs about yourself or the world, painful experiences from the past, any energy you have unknowingly taken on as your own from others (especially for sensitive people and empaths), judgments, expectations, unresolved family cords, feelings of disempowerment and victimhood, old stories, and more.
This is a perfect way to cleanse your energy - inside and out, in preparation for the new year.
We will conclude with a restorative meditation, which will be recorded and shared with you afterward. You can incorporate this practice into your daily morning and evening routine to keep moving forward in your life.
There will be also time for shares at the end.
This is a 2-hour workshop, where we will create heart-centered, joyful, and meaningful-to-you intentions for the new year.
We will begin with deep meditation and visualization. Please, bring a notebook and markers. We will create a vision board: either in words or pictures, depending on what works best for you. Instead of using your conscious mind, you will receive internal guidance on what you should focus on in the new year. We will have time for shares and inspiration.
I will also share with you specific practices you can incorporate into your daily life to make your intentions real.
Register here for both workshops.
If you have any questions, message me by replying to this email. Additional details and a zoom link will be sent to you after the registration.
Happy intention-setting season!