The 8 Most Common Money Blocks

abundance coaching energy mindset money Nov 07, 2023

Money is a part of the new world.

It’s time to release judgment around money. It’s also time to embrace that money is connected to your JOY, TALENTS, CREATIVITY, & PURPOSE. You don’t need to suffer, kill yourself, or be someone you don’t want to be in order to make money.

You are a human being as much as you are a spiritual being.

I used to have so many judgments about money (& they still come up):

- it’s not spiritual

- it’s bad

- it’s evil.

It’s not! It all depends on what you do to earn them and how you spend them. It’s very simple. Yet, profoundly sticky for some of us.

Take a look at these 8 most common sticky money points. You might also know them as the money blocks. If you see yourself in any of these, know that you are not alone & there are ways to soften them and help you move forward in your life & purpose.

1. You struggle with making decisions. And, when you run a business, decision-making happens all the time!

2. You undervalue your services & skills, and the impact they have on others. This is connected to undercharging, overpricing, or giving away your services for free. This is especially prevalent in women.

3. You don’t charge for things that you enjoy doing. Or for things that come naturally & easily to you.

4. You have a general mindset of struggle & stress around money. You are afraid the rug will be pulled out from under you at any time.

5. You have a hard time putting yourself out there. You do not talk about your services, and you find yourself hiding or feeling shame around what you do. You do not see the value in what you offer.

6. You struggle to ask for money in your work.

7. You do not ask for help. You struggle to seek support from others, often tackling tasks alone, overburdening yourself in the process.

8. SCARCITY: You believe there isn’t enough for you, others, or in general. This mindset might lead to hoarding, over-saving, hesitance in spending or investing, or reluctance in marketing yourself because you don’t believe that there is enough to go around.

Join me this Friday, Saturday, & Sunday (November 10–12th) for a fun & deep MONEY ALCHEMY masterclass.

I’ve prepared for you some amazing materials and tools to help you see the true essence of money (energy) and release judgments, fears, inadequacies, and more.

So that you can SHINE!!!

Be sure to register here to attend and/or to receive a replay. Can’t wait to see you there & invite your friends 😊



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