Happy Tuesday, friend!
We are back in Boston and I am writing this newsletter to you from my office space. After a couple of days of adjustment.
The three of us (Amari, Steven, and I) got COVID, during our last week in Greece, so coming back to the US hasn't been the easiest journey. But we are feeling better - which I am grateful for.
Today, I want to share with you some thoughts on the topic of SERVICE.
I used to hate this word - heavily! Because, once I entered the spiritual path, the only thing I could hear is that I needed to serve other people. That reminded me, very heavily, of religion.
Let me unpack:
1. In religious terms, service implies doing something for God, in exchange for love, acceptance, and promotion, so to speak, into higher realms, or Heaven.
I don't believe in this kind of love. I believe we are loved unconditionally, and we don't need to deserve it through anything we do or don't do.
2. What I have learned in life is that what differentiates religion from spirituality is a life experience. In religion, you do things out of fear, often pre-maturely, while trying to be good. For example, helping others while you feel resentful inside, but you still do it - out of fear or duty.
Service that arises through the process of the natural evolution of things seems to have these qualities:
- inconveniencing yourself a little bit, getting out of your comfort zone, for another
- being fully connected to your heart and doing/giving out of pleasure
- accepting the other person as they are
- being the best version of yourself, and that, somehow, is important for our Soul - for its evolution.
- it is aligned with your Joy or/and purpose, otherwise - it doesn't feel right or enjoyable.
- it has free will. It's a choice. It's not a duty. Free will is very important in choosing to serve. Otherwise, it's a fear-based pattern.
- service is an overflow. You must take care of yourself first before you serve others.
- you can't rush it - this desire to serve others. It's similar to the development of a child. You can't tell a kid, "Hey, walk!" No, the kid will walk when they are ready to walk. Everyone has their own timing.
- you can take breaks for service, you can be human, and you must have self-care time.
- you can enjoy service. Meaning, it doesn't need to be somber, sacrificial, or miserable. And if it is, in my opinion, it's not service.
I want to leave you today with this quote:
"When you connect to your heart, you know what the right thing to do is. Sometimes, it's to remain quiet. Sometimes, it's to act. And sometimes - it's to help another. You don't need rules in your life, just guidance. Trust your heart."
With love,
P.S. The relationship workshop is coming up soon. Stay tuned.