OMF*G! It was magic!
Jan 23, 2024
OMF*G! This is what happens when 13 powerful women come together - in a Soulful Entrepreneurship Mastermind, this past weekend.
My life is changed - forever! And so are the lives of other incredible women. Thank you for showing up!!! I feel honored.
Let me try to summarize all the excitement into a few comprehensive statements. These are some takeaways:
- your purpose is sooo needed & only you can do what you are here to do - nobody else can do that. Accept your story, your accent, your pain, your looks, your glory - all of it, because all of that is needed to fulfill your multidimensional purpose - it's time to shine, baby!
- you are not alone. The power of the community is incredible when you allow yourself & others to show up fully, empowered, vulnerable, and shine big. It's incredible to watch how women transform when the right environment is created.
- there is still much to do in this world, and the first step is to accept your purpose, love yourself fully, have fun, be supported, and shine so incredibly bright.
- yes, have fun, do what you love, & get paid for it!
- all the "I-am-not-good-enough" and "I-don't-know-what-to-do" and "I-can't-do-this" can be released, with the right tools - poof - gone!
This weekend stretched me & others in many ways. And I am so glad we committed and kept going.
I can't wait to invite you to the next retreat.
P.S. Never give up on yourself. Your dreams are possible. This retreat has been a dream of mine for several years. Now, it's a reality :)