From Rome to Pisa πŸ—ΌπŸ•

adventure courage follow your heart Jul 12, 2024


In 2015, I traveled to Italy &, on a whim, decided to bike from Rome to Pisa - a journey of 350 km. 

I was not a professional cyclist, but the decision was instantaneous. In a matter of one afternoon, I purchased a used bike, a road map, and a strap for my backpack (that's me above). 

The lesson of the trip was TRUST. Not only did I make it to Pisa, but I also had so much fun along the way. I met beautiful people, stayed in a mansion one day, and others - on an inflatable mattress right under the stars. It was possible because it was hot in August in Italy. I swam and ate freshly grown tomatoes, and burrata cheese (if you haven't tried it fresh - I highly recommend).

On that very trip, I told myself that I wanted to have more feelings of freedom, joy, adventure, abundance, & trust in all areas of my life. WORK INCLUDED! 

Why work?

Because that's where I saw the biggest discrepancy between HOW I felt while traveling vs. working.

We have so much conditioning around work and money. We make it hard, stressful, and self-sacrificial and run old programs of fear & scarcity instead of leaning into joy, abundance, & love. 

On that trip to Italy, I decided that it would change for me. I didn't know what it would take or how I would get there. But I knew I will. And it's happening - NOW! 

More and more I am opening to having abundance, adventure, love, joy, meaning, balance, & connection in work and life. 

What brought the biggest changes?

  • inner shifts
  • building my self-worth
  • taking aligned actions
  • trusting my inner guidance
  • making choices that don't always feel rational but are divinely inspired.  


I invite you to join the Money Mastery journey with me & other incredible humans. 

Together, we will support each other & have fun in the process of creating a new relationship with money. Quite a trip it will be. 

As I was preparing for the masterclass, my mind was blown away. So yours will be too.


Join now.  on this exciting adventure. It's time to have it easier.




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