Awakening to Your True Self πŸŒ€

Jul 10, 2024

What most people do not realize about money is that money and abundance are NOT about manipulating or deceiving people, but about embodying the qualities that attract money & abundance into your life. 

I want to share with you a difference between scarcity (S) and abundance (A) mindsets.

With my statistics background, I want you to think about it as a continuum or spectrum rather than a dichotomy (yes/no). 

The more towards  you are, the more abundance you experience in life. If you choose many S, then it's time to upgrade πŸ˜ƒ

Take a look at these statements & notice, without judgment or trying to appear "good," where you stand. Awareness is the first step! 

1. A: I know that I am worthy and my time is worthy (yes ---- no).

2. A: I give & receive freely (yes --- no). [Notice that sometimes we only give, or don't give, but struggle to receive]. 

3. A: My heart is open (yes --- no).

4. A: I expect the best to happy (yes --- no) [vs. worrying that the worse will happen]. 

5. A: In relationships, I come from my heart (yes --- no) [vs. compete, engage in power struggles]

6. A: I do my best without the need for perfection (yes --- no) [vs. half-ass my job :)]

7. A: I cooperate (yes --- no) [vs. compete]

8. A: I focus on service (yes --- no) [vs. only thinking what others would give you].

9. A: My self-talk is encouraging & I tell myself that I will succeed (yes --- no) [vs. criticise myself]. 

10. A: I know my values & share them in my work (yes --- no) [vs. I compromise my values often].

11. A: I am aware (yes --- no) [vs. I act out of habit & often go on autopilot in my life]

12. A: I celebrate success of others (yes --- no) [vs. feel threatened by their success]. 

13. A: I embrace growth (yes --- no) [vs. I choose comfort, safety & familiarity]

14. A: I release the past easily (yes --- no) [vs. I hang ono the past]

15. A: I follow my dreams & take actions (yes --- no) [vs. I find excuses such as "I don't have time," "I don't have money," "It's too late," "I am too old." etc]

16. A: I believe that my path & my life is important (yes --- no)

17. A: I follow my dreams & take actions (yes --- no)

18. A: I do what I love for my work (yes --- no) [vs. I work only for money]

19. A: I feel surrender to my highest good (yes --- no) [vs. I feel very attached to how life must happen]

20. A: I follow my dreams & take actions (yes --- no)

21. A: I give to support other's prosperity (yes --- no) [vs. support their need & scarcity]

22. A: I follow my purpose (yes --- no) [vs. I leave my purpose for later]

23. A: I know I am a source of my abandance (yes --- no) [vs. I expect others to save me]

24. A: I believe in abudance (yes --- no) [vs. I believe in scarcity]

25. A: I follow my joy (yes --- no) [vs. I follow what I "should do"]


How did you do??? 


If you want to upgrade, polish, and magnify your score (AKA yourself), I invite you to join the Money Mastery class (doors open now).  

When YOU change, everything in your life changes!!! Because YOU are the co-creator of your life! 

Money Mastery is a 4-month in-depth dive experience into your relationship with money so that you can connect with your True Self and act, do, create, and embody magic from that place! 




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