A Dream Maker Kit (TM) - Registration Open!
Mar 29, 2022
Happy Monday, friend!
I am super excited - the Dream-Maker Kit (TM) course is here and now OPEN FOR REGISTRATION🎉😊
This course will take you from being disconnected from your wonderful and marvelous heart to feeling alive, on purpose, & supported.
The reason I created this course is because I love my life now, and I hated my life a decade ago. I attribute it to
(1) my daily spiritual practice,
(2) following spiritual guidance
(3) getting shit done!
A decade ago, I didn't know that wisdom matters. I used to think that university degrees, CVs, number of publications, or social status were the metric of success. I didn't pay attention to how I felt inside. And I found ZERO happiness or satisfaction in those. I was disconnected from love, joy, and wisdom. Now, things are different. Better!
I have seen the same transformation in my clients - and I have worked now with over 2,000 people.
I love both - life + spirit, spiritual + practical, sacred + the absurdity of life at times. A happy (and sometimes dysfunctional) marriage 😉
In this course, Dream-Maker Kit (TM): Foundations, we will cover 3 metaphysical laws - the foundations for YOUR dream-making! It will be magic + logic = a unique experience 🪄
1. The Law of Here and Now
It will help you release the past, old dreams, thoughts, habits, ideas. It's like purging the old shit (PERFECT FOR THE SPRINGTIME, BTW!), so that the new things can grow. A huge detox for your energetic and physical body, and your mind.
2. The Law of Creation (aka Attraction)
It will help you get an idea of where you hold yourself back. Usually, you are your own best self-saboteur. Here, we will pour unconditional love onto you, so that you can align your mind with your heart and release fear.
3. The Law of Synchronicity
It helps you tap into the magic of the Universe's abundance and draw things you want into your life. Joy, fun, play, ease - those are the things that are good for you (YES!) and good for having the life you want. So we will have some fun with it! 😄
You will learn to:
- receive unconditional love
- receive spiritual guidance
- release limiting beliefs
- strengthen your self-trust and ability to make better choices
- take aligned actions
- dream!
I taught this course twice before - at the University. It was so much fun! I had a wait-list. The course is never the same, as I keep updating, growing, and improving it.
People came to it from all kinds of backgrounds: journalism, writing, nursing, computer sciences, psychology, physics, and more. They all benefited!
This is the first time I am offering the course online. With a special introductory offer of $333 for the entire course.
We begin April 1st (yes, the Fools day - to laugh with the Universe!😊)
You will receive a lot!
- amazing and unique materials
- bite-size exercises
- transformational recordings
- online easy access
- 6 live online group sessions, with Q & A (Thursdays, at 4 pm). Everything will be recorded, so you can access it at your own time.
- a private Facebook group for the duration of the course
- a special offer for 1:1 coaching (available with an upgrade)
- and other surprises.
Registration is open now for 4 days only. Can't wait to see you there and dream together of what's possible 🎬 ❤️
P.S. Share with a friend who can benefit from this too. Thank you.