Today, I want to share with you one of my main secrets to success.
The fact that I have an amazing partnership; I can be a present, patient, & unconditionally loving mother (most of the time); have a business that's aligned with my purpose; have a positive outlook on life & have a great overall mental health; have a healthy physical body; enjoy creative expression, sexuality, adventure, & have a very deep spiritual practice is...
Yes! It's a metaphysical transformation of any kind of "shit" into gold. And when I say "shit," I mean exploring & integrating the aspects of ourselves that we often suppress, ignore & deny. Everyone has them. That's how we are made as humans.
Depending on our upbringing, personality, and unique tendencies, we have a unique combination of shadows. Usually, our shadow is what comes up in the way of achieving the life we truly desire for ourselves.
Today, I want to share with you the 10 benefits of doing shadow work:
1. Increased self-awareness. Shadow work helps you gain a deeper understanding of your thoughts, emotions, & behavior. And because of that, it has an impact on your daily life & how you engage with yourself, the world, & your business.
2. Much greater self-acceptance. If you can't accept yourself, then who can? Through self-acceptance, you can make aligned choices in relationships, business, marketing, & more.
3. Improved relationships: with yourself, first of all. And, by default, with everyone else around you too. By loving & integrating your shadow, you can reduce the impact of your unconscious patterns on your relationships with others.
4. Enhanced emotional resilience. Shadow work can help you develop a greater capacity to handle difficult emotions & life challenges that are unavoidable. It also helps you to be WAY less judgmental towards others. 'cause how can you judge others after doing shadow work & knowing yourself way more fully?
5. Enhanced creativity. By exploring your shadow, you can tap into a deeper well of creativity & inspiration.
6. Greater sense of purpose. Shadow work can help you discover your life's purpose by confronting & integrating aspects of yourself that many have been holding you back.
7. Improved self-esteem. Yes, your self-esteem & self-worth are enhanced greatly, because you stop spending energy on suppressing things in your subconscious & you can align your life, thoughts, actions, & choices with your highest purpose & expression.
8. Deeper spirituality. You simply can't do shadow work without reliance on God's/Godess'/Universe's (or whatever you want to call it) helps. It's like a 12-step program. The foundation of which is Surrender & ask for help. Because you can't do this alone. You can't do life alone.
9. Increased personal growth. Shadow work is a powerful tool for personal growth & self-improvement. If you want to change the world, start changing yourself.
10. Greater sense of inner peace. By integrating your shadow, you can experience a greater sense of inner peace of wholeness. You are no longer a fragmented self, where you are separated from your subconscious, Higher Self, body, soul, purpose, aspirations, heart, and mind. You are approaching inner wholeness & peace.
My own journey towards doing shadow work started with my divorce 10 years ago. It shook me to the core of my being. While I can blame my ex (& there are many things to blame him for), the only thing I could control is myself. And I spent many years doing deep inner work, learning about myself, my patterns & doing the healing. Finding wholeness within.
It is now paying off a gazillion times - in my new relationship. I am not perfect (& neither is he). But we do take a huge responsibility for our shadows.
If you feel excited about it & ready to take your life to a whole new level, am now accepting new clients on this deep & extremely rewarding journey. If you are ready & interested, I recommend SCHEDULING A FREE CONSULTATION. I will be able to answer your questions about the length & price. However, you can find many details on my website.
Reach out & I would be honored to hold space for you & guide you towards a better life - for yourself & for the people who surround you.