Open to Love and Wisdom
In the "Connect to Spirit" masterclass, you will learn how to DIRECTLY access Divine & Spiritual energies to feel supported, guided, & loved daily.
You will learn how to 1) channel and receive energy & 2) interpret this energy meaningfully as it applies to your daily life.
Everyone can learn to channel and open their intuitive, spiritual, and metaphysical gifts. Age, profession, education, and background are not barriers to learning to channel. Rather, they are colors that make the channeling experience unique to you.
This masterclass is for you if
♦️ you want to learn to channel and are willing to put in the effort (i.e., practice)
♦️ you are in any of the giving/healing/service professions that require giving. You will learn how to NOT give of yourself but to give of the Divine, so that you don't feel burned out or depleted.
♦️ you want to feel supported in your life and grow spiritually. Feel connected to the Divine daily.
♦️ you are intuitive and have many intuitive hunches and are ready to deepen your TRUST muscle
♦️ you want to deepen your self-worth and feel whole rather than fragmented and in conflict with yourself
♦️ you know there is more to life and you being here on Earth and can't quite name it. Now you are ready to experience it.
♦️ you want higher guidance in your daily life, on a moment-by-moment basis - in work, business, relationships, etc.
This masterclass will give you tools for learning spiritual channeling and applying it to your life. As with any skill, this will require you to commit and practice.
In other words, this masterclass will deepen your gifts, if you are
🔸sensitive, intuitive, empath, compassionate
🔸of the heart-centered profession: a teacher, a nurse, a doctor, provide customer service, a guide, a healer, a coach, a heart-centered entrepreneur, a leader, a musician, an artist, a creative in any other way or form, a parent, and so many other beautiful ways in which you might be contributing to this world.
🔸you can be either a novice or experienced. We'll take it deeper :)
🔸open to finding deeper levels of self-compassion & self-love
What's included:
Module 1:
🔴 Divine Mother Meditation: opening to unconditional self-love
🟠 Connecting to Higher Self
🟡 Intention Setting
🟢 Intuitive Channeling: Speaking or Writing
Module 2:
🔵 Grounding Practices
🟣 What Spiritual Channeling is Not
🟠 Raising Your Vibration
🟡 Boundaries
🟢 Self-Healing
🔴 Daily Practice
Module 3:
🟢 Origins of Self-Doubt
🔴 Limiting Beliefs
🔵 Inner Child Healing
🟡 Life Purpose
🟣 Self-Empowerment
🟠 Wisdom & Gratitude
Module 4:
🟣 Being Sensitive
🟠 Fixing People vs. Giving
🟡 Working in the Giving Professions
🟢 Self-Protection
Module 5 (Bonuses):
🔴 Connecting to Loved Ones Who Have Passed
🔵 Map of Limiting Beliefs
🟣 List of Metaphysical Gifts & Abilities
🟡 A Reading List
🟠 Channeling Spirit Foundations Masterclass
You can move at your own pace in the comfort of your home. If you have questions, I recommend booking 1-2 live sessions with me - for practice + attunement.

Why do this?
- Your brain will have all kinds of excuses about reaching your highest potential (I can't, I don't have money, I am not capable, it's too late, I am too old, I am this or that). I know these excuses too well. It's called RESISTANCE. Never let the small part of yourself run your life.
- Know that whenever you are ready to open to more light and love in your life, you'll have doubts and fears. Your job is to be aware and choose wisely.
- Our ego can't do it alone. No matter how smart, educated, or capable you are, you still need Divine guidance and assistance.
Have you imagined that
- You can have a meaningful path in life
- You are very needed and your gifts are needed
- You can struggle and push less and trust and be more
- You can take all parts of life as an exercise in elevating your consciousness
Let's shine, baby!!! :)
- The expectation from everyone is to be kind, open-minded, and inclusive. Any discriminatory and abusive behaviors will result in removing you from the course.
- Respect the privacy of others. You can share your experiences in this course, yet you cannot share the personal information of others.
- No self-promotion in this community.
- If you are struggling with severe mental illness, please seek additional help from a specialist. I know that spiritual tools are highly beneficial for improving mental health & additional help is encouraged. Reach out with questions to Mariya at [email protected] )
- Be open-minded. Doubts and questions are normal. Cynicism & passive-aggressive behaviors for the intention of harm aren't permitted
About Mariya
I learned the art of channeling in my mid-30s. My first channeling session felt awkward and enlightening. Since then, I have accumulated thousands of hours of practice for myself and my clients.
Learning the skill as an adult has shown me that age, education, and worldview are not restrictions. I was a left-brain university professor, with a meditation practice, when I started.
My PhD is in applied statistics and I have done a decade of research in behavior change and prevention of disease. In my 30s, I also received a master's degree in metaphysics and alternative healing.
I understand firsthand what it feels like to navigate both scientific and metaphysical worlds and use both the right and left parts of your brain.
After I learned to channel Spirit, my life changed tremendously - for the better.
In 2019, I left academia and started my own business - mentoring, teaching, and sharing. I now work with people from all walks of life, who, in my eyes, are modern leaders embracing their pivotal role in changing the course of life for themselves and this planet.
Mariya Shiyko, PhD, M.Metaph. is a spiritual business & life mentor for entrepreneurs and leaders. She is a former tenured university professor turned entrepreneur. In her work, she combines fields of business, behavior change, spirituality, creativity, art, and community building.
Mariya is a bestselling author, an award-winning educator, and an author of 50+ publications. She appeared in Women Inspired TV, NBC, ABC, and other media outlets. Her mission is to bring out the highest potential in her clients so that, together, we can uplift the collective.

Lindsey Hunt
Energy Healer & Marketing Consultant, New York City
Lars Wicklund
Musician, sound engineer, podcast producer. Boston, MA