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Self Love Meditation
The Foundation
This is a 20-min meditation to help you connect to self-love. Self-love is the foundation of a happy life. You simply can't buy self-love with any money in the world. And, even if you are super-rich, money won't give you much, unless you love yourself. So - start here! It's free
Yes, I want itRelease Fear of Success & Step into Your Leadership
A guided Practice
This is a 30-minute meditation that combines breathwork, mindset, subconscious shifts and energetic alignment. When you filly integrate your internal fears and resistance and fully embrace your true self, then you become an effective and powerful leader and all aspects of your life improve. Step into your leadership now.
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12 Laws Of Nature
The Guidance
This is a poster that describes the 12 metaphysical laws (from the law of attraction to the law of here and now).
These laws are at the foundation of business, life, relationships, money, health, well-being, and more. They are your map of life and a reminder of how to make the best of life so that it's a win-win for everyone involved. The shortcut is - FOCUS ON LOVE ❤️
Yes, I want itI Choose Joy
The Music
I wrote this musical album just when I met my now-husband, Steven. It summarizes a decade-long journey of me figuring out life: traveling the world, studying with teachers, loving, breaking-up, experimenting, playing, letting go of the old, crying, experiencing pain, and healing.
Let it inspire different moods in you. ❤️
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A List of 50 Metaphysical Abilities
Everyone has metaphysical gifts - it's something you are born with. Although it might take time to remember, activate, and use with intention. In this downloadable document, you will find a list of 50 metaphysical gifts and some foundations for unlocking them. It's a beautiful reminder of your uniqueness, power, and responsibility in this life. Enjoy!
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