Money Mastery

A 3-months transformative journey designed to help you redefine your relationship with money and come back to your True Self, so that you can engage with your work and money from the place of joy, love, creativity, purpose, and inner leadership.  

Learn from an award-winning educator, healer, and mentor who helps people transform their relationship with money and step into their power. 

Mariya Shiyko, PhD


What if your relationship with money... was a love story just waiting to be told?

Just like any meaningful relationship, your partnership with money deserves understanding, love, and respect.

In Money Mastery, we will embark on a path of self-discovery, abundance, and personal freedom. This course is designed to help you redefine your relationship with money, moving it from a source of stress and worry to a place of responsibility, creation, and self-love. Through clear lessons, interactive exercises, and guided practices, you will learn to make peace with yourself, release judgment, and open your heart to walking your purpose in a sustainable way - with receiving money! So that you can do what you love & enjoy and get paid for it. 

Starting November 28, we will be meeting online on Tuesdays. With breaks for holidays😊

I'm ready to fall in love with money & myself!!

Pay in full
Pay in 3 installments

Elevate your experience with our VIP package, which includes two 1:1 sessions with Mariya ✨

VIP Package

Hi, I'm Mariya

My money story began when I decided to leave my tenured position as a university professor & jump into entrepreneurship. 

Well, it started way earlier, when I was born, but I gave it little attention. Born & raised in communist Russia, I have picked up along the way that money is dirty, abusive, scarce, and generally speaking - a nuance & an inconvenience. 

When you close your heart to something (in this case, money), you're in conflict with yourself. You do one thing, believe another, and feel a third - and because of that can't really create what you want. 

To help myself, I had to go on a money journey, so that my purpose, belief system, actions, and feelings align

I can't wait to support you on this journey and bring a multi-disciplinary approach to your transformation: sciences of behavior change + metaphysics + arts


On this journey together we will:

  1. Work on the subconscious reprogramming of your mind and body as well as your nervous system so that you feel supported from the inside to take the steps you need.
  2. Strengthen your intuition and self-trust, so that you can take aligned actions in your work & business and follow your unique path.
  3. Practice consistently a different relationship with money that is based on gratitude and openness, so that giving & receiving can flow
  4. Develop your leadership skills, so that you can step into your purpose and lead in your area of work and business. Where leadership isn't selfish but rather empowering for all. 
  5. Tackle your limiting beliefs about money and help you have a consistent practice where you release & transform those beliefs into empowering and aligned perspectives. 
  6. Build self-confidence through taking aligned actions and changing your inner narrative to supportive and self-encouraging. 
  7. Get creative. Whether this involves painting, dancing, singing, or walking naked in your house 😊😊😊. You gotta step outside of the box to embrace discomfort so that you can bring new ways of being into this world. 
  8. Embody the spiritual rules of success, including business & money success.
  9. Awaken your soul, so that you feel ALIVE (not dead-walking or dead-living!!!) YES!!! 💃💃💃


Real Life Client Transformations 


Annette Mitko, teacher & astrologer, USA

A whole new level of understanding


Mariya has a plethora of wisdom, experience, and tools to help navigate even the most difficult of circumstances.  I now have even greater love, compassion, and trust in myself and life, a stronger understanding of my values and boundaries, and the ability to view things from a higher perspective. If you have the opportunity to work with her, I wholeheartedly recommend her! 

Jessica Mortell, USA

Quantum leaps in life, work, and relationships

I felt positive shifts in my body, and relationships around money, disappointment, and collaborating with others. It is clear Mariya has done the work. Your compassion and joy radiate in everything you do, and I highly recommend working with Mariya if you want to make quantum leaps in your life, work, and relationships.

Wendy DuBois, an engineer, USA

I shifted my perception & found my place and purpose

I experienced a shift in perception and knowing my place and purpose. I reached out in a state of confusion and now feel in grace.

There is something special about Mariya—she moves things, and she is so intuitive. She helped me move out of a place of pain. I am very grateful.

Sarila Rana, a mom, USA

I gained clarity & purpose

All the stiffness inside me started to melt. All my life I was aimlessly and tirelessly searching without knowing what I was looking for. She helped me understand the reason for my search and gave clarity about my current state of life, and what I need to do from now on.

I felt so light, as if the baggage I had been carrying so long finally found a place to rest, and I am free.

Yasmin Samhouri, a nurse, USA

I connected to my mental, emotional, & spiritual intelligence

During the class, the interactions and open dialogue not only opened my eyes to the different perspectives and experiences of others, but they also taught me a lot about myself which I was not previously aware of.

There is nothing more fulfilling than being self-aware and compassionate in order to truly get in tune with my emotional, mental, and spiritual intelligence.

Alia Lahlou, community organizer, journalist, USA

Living with more inner alignment & joy

 I felt a sense of clarity and ease, walking away with renewed energy and percolating ideas about what’s possible in my life. Part therapist, part play friend, part wisdom magician, Mariya was truly wonderful to work with. I recommend her to anyone interested in living with more inner alignment and joy.

Catherine Lamb, psychologist, New Zealand

A magical ripple into every part of my life

With Mariya’s help, I addressed mental, physical, social, and spiritual obstacles. I felt extreme love in parts of my body that have been numb for years. I found a sense of freedom and peace. I recommended a slice of Mariya’s magic.

This was not just a session – it rippled into every part of my life. 

Recent client, USA

For too long, I was off and on about personal growth and ended up repeating the same patterns and mistakes.

Mariya intuitively sensed past experiences and relationships that inhibited my growth which had even manifested as physical energy blockages in my body. She is so loving and sincere in her work that I felt very comfortable sharing difficult-to-admit truths aboutmyself, for which she was able to guide me to find love for myself.

This course IS for you if:

  • You have some understanding, experience, or openness toward looking inward into your habits, thoughts, emotions, and actions 
  • You are on your way to either aligning your purpose with your work, creating a business around it, or working for someone who is supportive of you doing this (yes!!! there are employers who will support it) 
  • You are somewhat open to change - although you might not fully know what it involves 
  • You are somewhat open to spirituality, which I define as unconditional love without dogma
  • You have some money to pay for this course 😊and there is a payment plan if you need it 😊

This course ISN'T for you if:

  • You are not ready to put in the work. Because YOU ARE the change-maker and YOU ARE the healer. I am guiding you, but you are the one who will be practicing, making choices, applying the things you learn, and living your life. 
  • You are not ready to experience discomfort, uncomfortable emotions, and/or some resistance. When you work with the subconscious, you might discover fear, guilt, shame, and judgment. Our job is to work through those feelings, but they will come up. 
  • A caveat: if you need more in-depth personal attention, please, buy the VIP package, so that we can have private sessions along the way. Or work with someone else in your life who can give you extra support. 
  • If you do not respect diversity or different opinions, it will be hard to work in a group with others. 

Your questions answered:


Pay in full
Pay in 3 installments

Elevate your experience with our VIP package, which includes two 1:1 sessions with Mariya ✨

VIP Package